There are two primary methodologies in Six Sigma: DMAIC and DFSS.

Following are some of the salient features of Six Sigma methodology:

Six Sigma is a data driven approach - Six Sigma provides us with information on which and what type of data should be collected, how it should be collected and how it should be analyzed.

Six Sigma is a process focused methodology- Everything that is done at the workplace has a process behind it. For bringing improvements it is always good to study the underlying process along with the results, especially if we are looking for a long lasting improvement and not a temporary quick-fix solution

Six Sigma provides a structured step by step roadmap - If a business problem is being resolved by a cross functional team over a period of time, it pays to utilize a structured methodology (like Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) with review stages.

Six Sigma uses non common-sense approaches - Example - To improve customer satisfaction index by 25% in 4 months time, you would need not one but a series of non-common sense approaches which Six Sigma provides.

Six Sigma integrates the best of tried and tested management methodologies over the years - Six Sigma has weaved various time tested management techniques in one roadmap. Also, Six Sigma is not rigid. It is an evolving methodology. New tools are being added to the Six Sigma toolkit by innovative practitioners.

Six Sigma improvement projects are mostly validated by financial benefits or by impact on a KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

Six Sigma works on improvements on a project by project basis by people trained as improvement experts (called Green Belts and Black Belts) - Improvements can be brought on a project by project basis and by no other way. Unless improvement areas are converted into projects, with assigned responsibilities and authorities to correctly trained people, the problems remain what they are.

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